Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hey!! I customized our blog to make it seem more happy! I hope you all have a very good Easter! I know that most of the people who are reading this are my family so hello family, and if you aren't in my family well, hello to you too. I have a craving for red velvet cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries. Yum!! :)

- Angelina (Lina) :)


  1. I'm a big fan of the customization, Lina! It looks really spring-y!

  2. It looks great already and I just learned something new about you. Didn't know you liked red velvet cupcakes.
    You girls keep this going, so excited!

  3. Yummy yummy!!! Site looks yummy and happy too. I just ate red velvet strawberry cupcakes for the first time the other day. Next time we meet, I will try to remember to get some for you!


    Chu Vien

  4. Thanks, can't wait!:)


  5. YAY!!!! Bring on the creativity, Lina! I'll be checking every night. This is really great for the aunt that lives far away.

  6. Lina and family,

    The page looks great! I wish I could mail you a red velvet cupcake from here, but then it would be all old and moldy by the time it got there.

    Love you guys, keep us up to date!
